5月 10, 2018


Do you know a favorite, local charitable organization, educational institution, or government entity in need of volunteer labor? With thousands of opportunities around the country there indeed is no shortage in organizations to volunteer with.

At onsemi giving back to the communities around is core to our company’s values. As a result the Employee Volunteer Program (EVP) was created as one more way the company can support the communities around us.


The EVP allows eligible employees up to one day per year of paid time to volunteer at a charity of their choosing during time they would otherwise be at work. We strongly believe that our contribution to the community is strongest when we encourage and support our employees to give their time, talent, effort and energy. We also believe this to be an effective way to promote goodwill and boost morale amongst our employees.

One of the employees who participated in the EVP was Pocatello employee Steve Larsen, who spent a day volunteering with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG). The IDFG mission is to “protect, preserve, perpetuate and manage Idaho's wildlife resources. “

The project for the day was electrofishing for native cutthroat trout and relocating them to an IDFG brood stock facility. Electrofishing is a process of shocking fish in the water, which stuns them temporarily, allowing them to be captured using a long-handled net. The fish are transported and released for acclimation at a brood stock facility, where they will be raised to maturity. Eventually, their eggs and milt will be collected to produce new fish, to help bolster struggling populations or reintroduce the species in waters where it has disappeared.


Steve and Idaho Fish and Game Fisheries Biologist, Ryan Hillyard, successfully relocated 80 fish to the brood stock facility, with zero fatalities.

IDFG Regional Conservation Educator Jennifer Jackson expressed the department’s appreciation, stating that “Idaho Fish and Game volunteers are probably one of our most valuable ‘natural resources’ in this state! Their hard work, dedication, passion, and energy help the Department do its job better.“